I do have many food allergies (strongest reaction to nuts) which I ignore since the extent of these allergies is way too broad.
Interestingly, I do not experience any obvious problems when eating the food I shouldn't. No sweating, problems breathing, nausea or anything.
I suggested to multiple doctors that these ignored allergies might trigger my joint problems. They all laughed. :roll: Is there really no connection possible?
For a while I have planed to do a new allergy test followed by a diet with a strict protocol. I'd daily update a table with what I ate and how my joints felt on a scale from 1 to 10.
For many years in my youth I drank milk way above the recommended dose. You'd guess all that calcium would be beneficial for your joints. Well it won't help here. Today I rarely drink pure milk anymore. Either way I never noticed any change in my desire to crack my joints.
I think that maybe certain allergies might have a slight effect on jointcracking but the vast majority won't. I mean, if you are allergic to plastic, i don't see how it will make you want to crack your joints more? :?
yeah i would've thought that the calcium in milk would help your bones… thinking about it i don't drink much milk :x
It does :?
actually since i've started drinking more milk, unless i'm mistaken the white spots on my nails have actually gone quite a lot….
Ah…yeh, if you have them, you have a lack of calcium.
Any time I eat dairy, of any kind, in the afternoon or evening, I regret it. I sit there in bed for hours with the uncontrollable NEED to crack my ankles, feet, and toes. Sometimes advil will help, sometimes not. I don't know why this is a problem, but it's annoying as h**l.
twid, I also eat a lot of dairy products. Ankles, feet and toes are also the joints which are most susceptible to joint pressure build-up for me.
I never did the protocol I discussed in the opening of this thread.Maybe dairy products really do have some influence on this after all. Have you been tested against lactose intolerance? Any food allergies?
I'm allergic to nuts, but I don't think that has had any bearing on my joint cracking seeing as I've had it all my life, whereas the cracking is only 4 years or so. It would be interesting if we could get a doctor on this site, maybe they could help a little bit.