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  • RE: Domain reclaimed from domain scalper


    Thank you, glad my expensive recovery is appreciated! It will take a short while for all the search bots to find us again for listing.

    posted in Announcements
  • Domain reclaimed from domain scalper

    I am very sorry for the outage we had since last December, fell victim to domain name scalping.

    Unfortunately, in 2006 I had picked a very unreliable domain registrar who I once extended for 5 and once for 9 years. The registrar reminded me after 5 years to renew but "forgot" to mention to me my 9 year contract was about to expire on 11/23/2020. After this long time, I forgot about it myself and before I could react, a domain scalper snapped up the domain name.

    It took a while to track down the new owner and re-acquire the domain name for an inflated price.

    Even though the ad revenue is not even paying for the server costs, I was willing to pay for my mistakes, I did not want to keep you guys and gals standing in the rain without any goodbyes.

    Obviously, I will make sure this does not happen ever again.

    I am truly sorry.

    posted in Announcements
  • Google Ads now active

    Important: If you notice loading issues or the site appears broken, please disable adblockers which I have noticed can cause issues with the new code. Also please do support this site by not running such services.

    Over the last 15 years since launching this community, I have spend many thousands of dollars in resources to keep us up to date and online.

    As announced in September 2019, now is the time to try to recoup at least fixed cost of running this site.

    After a lot of preparation, we have finally been approved for Google AdSense, thank you Google!

    Instead of manually placing ad spots myself, I have decided to let Google do the optimizations and placement automatically, which I find to be much less obtrusive than if done manually and fixed.

    If you are a fellow joint cracker, I hope you do find this new sustainable setup agreeable moving forward. Thank you for your understanding.

    If you are a medical professional and do have a product you would like to advertise at this site, now you have a proper channel to do so.

    posted in Announcements
  • Spam control fine tuning

    I have just dropped a number of users who abused the "about me" and "signature" fields in their profile for spam. Pretty much all of these users logged in only once after registering and did have zero posts.
    Should I have deleted your account in error and you were a misunderstood legitmate joinctracker who just loves casinos and stuff, please do re-register and start posting. We would love to hear your story!

    At the same time I have disabled "signatures" and "about me" descriptions. If you want to introduce yourself, please post in introductions.

    posted in Announcements
  • Migration and upgrades complete

    I just moved us to a new server with same virtual hardware spec and hoster but reduced cost whilst upgrading all major software components for better stability.
    The upgrades were long overdue, I am sorry for not doing this earlier. An upgrade a year or so ago failed partly and left this forum in a weird state which led to some unneccessary instability. Stability should now be much better.

    Moving forward, due to budget and time constraints, unfortunately I need to look into ways to recoup cost of maintaining and running this site. One approach is to enable Google AdSense. For this I will need to clean up some curse words, we should do this anyway. Another approach would be to ask you for regular donations via e.g. Patreon. Feel free to post in the feedback category to discuss this if you have any concerns or ideas.

    posted in Announcements