Sleep and cracking

  • I love it when, after waking up, I twist on each side and get a series of like 5-10 cracks – sometimes I can get this after sitting in my seat for a prolonged period of time. awwwghhhh it feels GREAT! Usually I can only get series of cracks twisting to one side and not the other though.

  • Doing that to my back scares me as i feel i am gonna break something or damage it somehow.

  • Did you ever think that besides the chemical and physiological symphony happening when your sleeping that you are also, Simply relaxing and releaseing tension from your body/muscles/joints in a way that can't be done while awake, except for maybe deep meditation, which is a whole other kind of awake. Maybe this deep relaxation could promote joint cracking/mobility when you wake.

    What do I know though. :roll:

  • Sounds cool

  • I thought about it and your right it's probably the DMT. :mrgreen:

  • Sike! But that would make for a great research paper Man.

    'The secret link between DMT, sleep, and joint cracking'

    I'd def read it

    And would also be willing to donate my joint cracking body to the research.

    In a clinical setting of course. OK maybe a recreational setting too.
    You would have to tell the aliens I coming though. I wouldn't want to surprise them.

    Ever read Dr Strassmans book "DMT: The spirit molecule"
    Couple years clinical study of DMT No mention of joint cracking.

    That doesn't mean you can't prove it though.
    Let us know

  • MasterCracker the Scholar lol :lol:

  • @DayLight:

    nope, i've tried sitting for long periods of time while awake. nothing. There are certain spots on my body, mainly my wrist and the middle of my left foot, that will not crack at any other time than right after I awaken. I've remained immobile for hours on end to no effect, and I've slept for a half hour and my slumbering joint cracking spirit was re-awakened.
    And I'm not saying it's due to hallucinogenic chemicals, I don't think hallucinogenic chems have anything to do with joint cracking(except for cannabis, but that is due more to the anti-inflammatory properties of cannabinoid diterpines), I was just saying that there is a chemical released during sleep that I know has nothing to do with why my joints crack better after sleep, and that happens to be DMT. Melatonin is not hallucinogenic, melatonin is a hormone. It is also released during sleep.

    i have this aswell, my neck and big toes are awful in the morning. sometimes my big toes can even wake me up!

  • 8O

  • lol its true, sometimes even my back does!

  • You need to take pills or something then.

  • pills?
    good advice. :?
    Cracking in the morning is great.
    a gift
    It's done by stretching
    and stretching in the morning is crucial
    especially as you get older

  • Especially in your case MC :lol:

    What are you now….40/45? :lol:

  • I've clearly stated at 101 taimes that I am 14.

  • Only that few? 😮

  • 'with 30 years upon my head
    to have you call me child'

    1 million points if you can name the song that line is from.

    this is related because the singer used DMT also like the author of this thread

    don't know if it helped him crack any

  • Don't know, tried using google as you said. I didn't call you a child, you impersonated me so i made a joke.

  • google fails again

  • yeh you just can't find a lyrics engine where you can type a few words from the song.

  • I can hear it in my head. Something about ship of fools sail away from me. Am I close?

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