Involuntary toe clicking driving me mad!!!

  • Cool - what time of day do you find is best? I googled meditation and they say whatever is best for you, but I was wondering what is best for beginners?

  • I like mornings before the kids wake up. I think it's a personal thing. I'm sure our lives are very different, so my answer to that question might not be the same as yours.

  • Haha i dont have kids so i guess i have that extra luxury 😎

  • Any time is a good time for meditating.
    focusing the mind without being distracted is advanced meditation.
    ADD is real, BuT so is the fact that the mind/ego really never stops rambling (sometimes called puppy mind, because it runs around like a puppy without a leash never stopping) unless you stop it with meditation, awareness, and focus.( put a leash on the puppy and tie it up).
    There are Many types of meditation!

    bod 8 , single point meditation, is a form of meditation that helps build concentration without distraction. It takes time and can be improved throughout a lifetime.
    The idea is to bring all focus , awareness, and thought to a single point or image or symbol so that all faculties are being used, consciously, to think/concentrate about this point. Meanwhile stopping any other thought of ANYTHING, let alone a crack, from entering the mind as a thought oe distracting your focus. This is very challenging. Maybe even more challenging than the final level of MechAssault 2. Lol. Everything on One point. This can free you from the chains of thought also( for a while anyway), let alone build concentration.

    This link is heavier than an elephant.

  • I am an insomniac - pretty sure so i am used to being up early when the rest of the house are asleep.

  • @MasterCracker:

    Any time is a good time for meditating.
    focusing the mind without being distracted is advanced meditation.
    ADD is real, BuT so is the fact that the mind/ego really never stops rambling (sometimes called puppy mind, because it runs around like a puppy without a leash never stopping) unless you stop it with meditation, awareness, and focus.( put a leash on the puppy and tie it up).
    There are Many types of meditation!

    bod 8 , single point meditation, is a form of meditation that helps build concentration without distraction. It takes time and can be improved throughout a lifetime.
    The idea is to bring all focus , awareness, and thought to a single point or image or symbol so that all faculties are being used, consciously, to think/concentrate about this point. Meanwhile stopping any other thought of ANYTHING, let alone a crack, from entering the mind as a thought oe distracting your focus. This is very challenging. Maybe even more challenging than the final level of MechAssault 2. Lol. Everything on One point. This can free you from the chains of thought also( for a while anyway), let alone build concentration.

    This link is heavier than an elephant.

    Thanks for the link, I'll give it a read 😎

  • MC - they say with meditating - well at least the most stereotyped view of it is with legs crossed over eachother in a lotus position which actually hurts a lot and makes my back sore.

  • yeah good point blaze 😎

  • I do my research 😉

  • hehe 😎

  • A lot

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